Where did the term health nut come from? When did it become unreasonable to take care of your body without being labeled narcissistic, shallow, in love with ourselves? We are our bodies are we not? Our brains reside within our body and our mind within our brain so why is it accepted to develop our minds and ignore the needs of our bodies as if our body will just automatically be alright no matter how much neglect and abuse it suffers. For centuries we have watched the ones that went before us deteriorate to feeble, weak, shells of themselves suffering all forms of maladies in old age, now granted for most of that time living conditions were primitive and brutal for the majority of people, not having much of a choice in nutrition or opportunities to practice healthy lifestyles while living in ignorance, poverty, subjecting their bodies to backbreaking manual labor just to eke out an existence not a life and most never saw old age, dying in their thirties and forties broken and spent with nothing to show for their suffering. Now for the first time starting in the twentieth century man has the opportunity to take advantage of the advances made to better life, labor saving machines, reduced work hours going from dawn to dark to nine to five, giving us more free time than ever, but with these advances there is also many time wasting technologies. It seems people have no sense of balance, there is only excess, in earlier times excess and overwhelming abuse of the body through forced daily manual labor which took its toll.Too much work didn’t make Jack a dough boy, it destroyed his body and health, but hard work wasn’t the culprit, it was the lack of down time between the periods of hard work that prevented his body from recovering and rebuilding itself. The body does not improve in health, energy, strength and size during hard physical exertion, this can only take place during periods of rest or light activity, so if the body is driven to exhaustion day in day out for weeks, months, and years on end the body will eventually succumb to injury, disease, and death. This is over training, if you will, taken to an extreme degree, but now we have swung to the opposite extreme, excess leisure or the pursuit of it, pampering ourselves, taking advantage of every labor saving opportunity we can as if physical exertion is a sign of stupidity and a lack of intellect or ingenuity, we pat ourselves on the back for our clever avoidance of exerting ourselves. This mindset has spawned a prevalence of inaction, we see people circling parking lots to park as close to a store as possible as if a walk from the outer parking lots would constitute a breach of their god given right to expend as little effort as possible. People will opt for the elevator than climb one or two flights of stairs, walk instead of run, sit instead of stand, lie down instead of sit and sleep if the opportunity is there. Lazy, there I said it, would our ancestors have done the same given the opportunity? you bet they would. What is this preoccupation with total inactivity being the definitive description of utopia? We know from our forefathers that too much hard work is bad for us. Notice I said( too much) hard work not hard work, because the body was designed for work, even hard work, it just requires periods of inactivity to recover before it is ready again, but we have taken the more is better theory to excess, we reason if rest is good than more rest is better and the more we avoid exerting ourselves is the best. As another saying goes, too much of anything is bad for you, so as bad as working yourself to death with no end in sight is, so is the pursuit of avoiding physical exertion at all costs, the all or nothing mentality. Now instead of watching the ones before us work themselves into an early grave, we watch them gradually deteriorate, getting smaller, weaker, losing their independence and human dignity due to a reluctance to exercise their bodies when they were younger and to keep it up into old age. The excuses, I don’t have time, I have real things to worry about, its too much work, its boring. These are the four biggest reasons given to avoid exercise, lets examine them one at a time. I don’t have time. Are you actively involved every minute of the day every day?You can’t find thirty minutes two to three times a week? That’s sixty to ninety minutes out of ten thousand and eighty minutes in a seven day week or one to one and a half hours out of one hundred and sixty eight possible hours, now lets subtract fifty six hours for eight hours of sleep for seven days, then subtract forty hours for work in a week, then subtract four hours each day for commuting, family, daily things that need to be done in a week, then subtract four hours each day for leisure, family, and friends, that leaves us with sixteen hours and we only need one to one and a half hours of that time which leaves us with an excess of fourteen and a half hours that we can devote to any of the other areas of our weekly schedule. I have real things to worry about. We all have real things to worry about, but stress without a release is a real killer combined with a bad diet and reluctance to exertion. Instead of fretting and worrying every minute of the day, wouldn’t some of that time be better spent working some of it off? Worrying never solved anything if the problem is out of your hands and if you can fix it do so, but sometimes taking time away from a problem can give us the break we need to see more clearly how to resolve it, that is why some of the most successful people are able to overcome obstacles in their path by means of constructive distractions like exercise. Socrates was right about the belief of a strong body and mind with one contributing to the health of the other to the betterment of both. Sometimes by overcoming a physical obstacle such as being overweight or achieving a strength goal or a more attractive physique can have a carry over effect on the psyche instilling a confidence in one’s ability to change their situation and equate work with positive results. Its too much work. It takes less time and volume than you might think to improve for the better. We are talking about brief, hard work with adequate rest between workouts combined with walking and a healthy diet to round it out. A typical workout would consist of twelve to fifteen total sets in a given workout of thirty to forty five minutes and half that time would be spent resting between sets, so we are talking about twelve to fifteen minutes of actual exercise with a minute of rest between each set, not a bad investment to good health and quality of life into and throughout old age. Its boring. So are most jobs but we do them for far less noble reasons like money, short lived security, food, and shelter which can be taken away at anytime at the whim of our employer. We pour all this energy and time into an activity that only takes our dreams, desires, and lives and pushes family, friends, personal pursuits, health, and fitness to the side leaving us wanting to escape in distraction, recreation and inactivity which if unstructured gives us no sense of control over any aspect of our lives in a positive constructive way that could let us express our selves and have a sense of worthwhile accomplishment. Old age is also very boring when burdened with poor health, limited mobility, shriveled muscles, weakness, low or no energy, taking handfuls of medications from multiple expensive prescriptions that compete in their budget with groceries, trapped in a body they deemed too low on their priorities in younger years to take care of that now no longer works like it should, limiting their quality and enjoyment of life, all these so called effects of old age of which under most cases could have been prevented or substantially reduced by a little exercise and foresight. Most people remind me of the cattle section of a slaughter house, they see what happens to the cow ahead of them yet remain unaffected and even if given the opportunity to avoid the same dire consequences step forward to suffer the same fate. Please don’t be a cow, open your eyes to the fact that old age does not have to go hand in hand with loss of health, mobility, strength, muscle size, energy, and dignity. Refuse the stupid advice to act your age as if you are embarrassing yourself by being strong, fit, energetic, and healthy at an age when most are starting to lose it all and don’t want the fact underscored and don’t want you to go around as an example of what they could have if they weren’t so lazy.Do yourself possibly the biggest and smartest favor of your life by deciding to take care of your body now to prevent problems usually associated with old age by recognizing they really stem from laziness, inactivity, neglect, and abuse of bad dietary habits, smoking, excessive alcohol, and drug use. You can be fit at any age, its up to you.
Night Photography Tips For Good Photos Taking At Night
The night photography tips covered in this article will help the photographer capture the best quality photos at night. Make sure to take extra photos when taking photos at night. Taking extra photos will give the photographer the best chance of capturing that dramatic, stunning photo.Most cameras have an automatic flash feature. This flash feature should be turned off before taking evening photos. If the flash feature is used when taking photos, this could over expose the background of the picture, and under expose the main subject. Using a flashlight to help light the camera dials will help improve the use of your camera in the evening.Using a tripod for is a must. An unsteady hand could ruin a once-in-a-lifetime photo opportunity. Using a tripod when taking evening photos will help to ensure that camera shake doesn’t interfere with the quality of the photos.Carry a spare set of rechargeable batteries for your digital camera. Taking late night photos will quickly drain camera batteries. Always be prepared for little mishaps when taking photos in the dark. Being prepared will help ensure a once-in-a-lifetime photo opportunity won’t be missed.If a photographer is using the moon or sunset as a background for their photos, they should become familiar with the time the sun sets and the moon rises. Timing is crucial when choosing nature as a backdrop for late photos. A full moon offers natural light for an evening photo shoot, and a stunning backdrop.Choosing the right surroundings and subject to help enhance a photo are important night photography tips to remember. A photographer should become familiar with the location or subject they are going to photograph. Driving to the location or subject during different degrees of darkness will help determine which time is best for taking the photos.
Is the Internet Lifestyle Network Legit?
IS THE INTERNET LIFESTYLE NETWORK A SCAM?Before I answer the question about whether the Internet Lifestyle Network is a scam, I would like to define scam.Scam – A scam as many know is a dishonest scheme. One thing I have discovered when people ask the question if something is a scam, what they are really asking is will I be able to make money if I buy into this product. Many people have taken various entrepreneurial journeys and when they did not see the results they expected, they felt scammed and wrote negative reviews because they did not see the results they were expecting.But what about the Internet Lifestyle Network? Is it a scam and can I make money if I joined? Before I answer that I would like for you to know that I am someone that has tried several business opportunities. I did not see the results I expected and quite frankly, I was tired of hunting my family and friends down only to let them know about the latest greatest MLM opportunity that could give them financial freedom in 2 years. Now I don’t have anything against MLM but I wanted to give some background information so you would know where I’m coming from as it relates to the internet lifestyle. I am actually a part of an MLM right now and NO, I’m not going to pitch you or tell you what company it is because that’s scammy! You asked about the Internet Lifestyle Network so the Internet Lifestyle Network is what you will have.So here are the pros and cons of the network. There are people making money everyday in the Internet Lifestyle Network. The Internet Lifestyle Network is just that… A Network. It is a Network of Entrepreneurs from various backgrounds and various opportunities. The Internet Lifestyle Network provides custom done for you blog solutions. If you already have a business opportunity but you lack knowledge on Marketing and Branding yourself, Internet Lifestyle Network (ILN for short) provides 1st class training on Internet Marketing. The visionary behind ILN is Vince. Vince created a 6 figure business using a garage table and a computer and he has vowed to share everything he knows to the members of ILN.What I love most about ILN is the transparency amongst the members. Another benefit of ILN is that you don’t have to be a part of the community or network if you choose not to. If you only want a custom professionally designed blog, then you can get that and be on your merry way. But if you love your blog and you would like to tell other people how they can have an amazing blog just like yours, you will have an opportunity to become an affiliate and make 50% commissions for everyone that gets a blog through you. But it doesn’t stop there. ILN also offers webhosting for only 14.95/month. If you refer someone to ILN and they use ILN for webhosting, you would receive half of 14.95 every month. Webhosting is more than just webhosting. If you have questions, you will be able to post your questions on the private community’s group page and in my personal experience, my questions have been answered and issues resolved within the same hour.There are three levels in which you could join ILN and each level determines the level of information you would have access to as it relates marketing training, coaching, and the amount of commissions you can receive. The three levels are Apprentice, Presidential, and Executive.The Apprentice level includes the webhosting and a few training videos and that is 14.95 month. So for anyone you bring in as an apprentice, you will receive a 50% commission for them buying a blog through you as well as 50% of 14.95 per month for every month your apprentice is with the Internet Lifestyle Network.The 2nd level is Executive. The Executive level is only $97.00 a month and you will have more time to be personally coached by Internet Marketing Coach Vince, who is consistently making 50k month and the beauty of it is he is only 27 years old. Now here is the thing. You can only get a 50% commission on the executive level if you yourself have an executive level membership or higher. Again you only get paid on executive IF YOU ARE EXECUTIVE. So for every month the person you refer has an executive level membership, you will receive 50% of $97.Obviously if you come on at the Executive level, there will still be a certain amount of information you don’t have access to because that information is reserved for the presidential level. That is one of the downsides to the company but I know that’s what most companies are doing these days. And the fact that you have to pay $97 a month could potentially prevent people from joining due to their financial situation. However, once you learn a few marketing tricks and learn your way around the internet, you could potentially have a nice return on your investment with just one sale. Because with ILN, if one person decides to get a blog through you and become a part of the network, you are looking at upwards of $250 for just one sale. That’s not counting the residual income you would receive monthly for the ones that decide to become a member. So depending on how much work you are willing to put in to get good results, $97 per month can be a good thing or it can be a bad thing. That’s really the only cons I see with ILN.The 3rd level is Presidential. The Presidential level is $197 a month and you will have access to EVERYTHING Vince knows. If you have a presidential membership and you refer someone who wants to purchase a presidential membership, you will receive a$100 commission a month for everyone you refer to the network. So if you referred 50 people to the network, that’s an extra $60,000 a year. This is truly a social network you can profit from. Imagine if some of your friends on facebook wanted to be innovative, go into business for themselves, or expand their own branding with their current business opportunity. That’s residual income for you. That’s just one of the perks of being a part of the Internet Lifestyle Network. We haven’t even scratched the surface regarding the marketing training and how you can make 20-50k per month.If you want to learn more about ILN, visit the link below and you will see various blog designs as well as a video that explains how you can earn commissions through purchasing a professionally designed and done for you blog.Http://KennethHendersonJr.com